Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Boise Beginning

Mesela has had an incredible last few days! A lot can happen in a mere seventy two hours. Sunday night we all gathered at a cozy local coffee shop, and laid plans for the following year. It was inspiring to sit down and talk with such talented and creative people. It was the first time really meeting everyone; really having discussions and listening to one another’s ideas. There were so many, and such innovative concepts- one’s that the likes of fashion, not just Idaho, have yet to experience. The world might not yet know, but big things are happening in Boise!
Today, we really dug in. Fashion is not just an industry; it is a personal journey as well. When we see looks on the runway, it is so hard to understand the process that occurs before that long walk is taken. There is a story behind each individual fold, feather, and seam. I feel like stories for a lot of glorious pieces were born today.
We convened again at the aforementioned coffee shop- grounded our ideas, organized, and froze our toes off in our brown couched room. It became known that an assistant was driving a truck that day, and a plan was quickly hatched to transport all of the fabric, racks, and other assorted necessities from Kristen’s home to our current place of business. A task that had the potential to be laborious (especially given the absence of men) became more of an exciting event. As we piled fold after fold of fabric into our vehicles, I was able to see bits and pieces of what the future of Mesela was going to look like. A yard of satin there, a pheasant feather here… it all began making sense and truly coming alive. By the end of the day, my heel clad feet were aching, and my arms were tired, but I know I can speak for all of us when I say it was a good day; a productive one, and a day that many beautiful pieces will be built upon

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